Thursday, August 5, 2010


                 Besides reading a couple of paragraph let's talk about Management face to face.

Hello my dear friends...
                                     I am going to introduce the topic which is very familiar to all of us a little bit about Management. If we talk about Management. What is it? Definitions says-
                                      "Management" (From old french menegement "the art of conducting, directing", from Latin manu agere "to lead by the hand") characterises the process of leading and directing all or part of an Organization, often a business, through the development and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual, or intangible).."
                                     After reading a couple of pages I didn't find my answer. I was thinking about is management is only require in the Organization or Company to achieve some predefine Goals? All definitions are correct from their point of view. But generalize view of Management according to me is-
                                     "Management is require to make a good tune with nature. It is a base bone to "Materialize the Life(process)". This the small definition of Management in broad sense.
                                      "Materialize the life(process) would be very fancy word for all of us. Let us have a look on what is mean of "materialize the life". Everything comes under the Materialization a small atom to a big Universe everything. Materialization means-
                                       " developing a maturity by which we can achieve our predefine tasks. Whether talk about the life or any business process or any organization. All have similar kind of goal related to stabilization in the existing battle. That only can be possible under the Materialization stage modernized by management."
So far what we have discussed can see under the given structure of "atom". In the atom every thing is arranged in a well manner. Here the forces occur in atom, are the manager who manages all the structural arrangement. Like if compare the hierarchy of any company is also maintained under the atoms. Nucleus the "top management team" then inner most orbit to outer most orbit all are arrange in order as in the company "top management team then lower management system then sellers and distributors. While paying more attention we can observe that top management team consist of few members well qualified having the power to control over the whole system like nucleus single one, rule over the entire atom. Then electrons come, participate in other activities as in organization employees do all the activities distributed by top management.When all atoms get arrangement in a specific order than a matter comes into the picture as well when all branches of management work together then whole management system is created controlled by main chairman and CEO.
                                        This is all known as Materialization.When atoms get arrangement in a well manner called materialization of mater and when all management departments work together called materialization of process and when all parts of life- emotion, love, faith, hard work, patience, respect and many-2 more things
work together in a grand manner known as materialization of life.

Lets have a look on this pictorial presentation

A single Management structure
Materialization in an Organization 

Materialization of Life
                  Materialization comes into the picture after Management, starting steps of any process.

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