Thursday, August 12, 2010

Team Management

                                                                        Unity has power.....

"Only a good business idea is not enough to convert it into reality, a good team and a good team management is far-2 important for a success full business...."

  •  A Team makes discipline or Disciplines make them??....
Apply your mind.... Think for a while... have a look on picture shown above .... then proceed to Discipline Theory

 Hello my dear friend...
                                   Welcome back in world of Management Under Atom. Management Under Atom is presenting "Team Management" before you....
 Do you think what is the first need when you open a company..."A good Team" or it can be defined as the people who are devoted for their work, always ready to do work as ready for their own, apart from all stinginess and greediness. Management is not the subject of just reading a lots of books of Marketing, Finance, and H.R and so on but it the subject of creating values, discipline, emerging the spirit of to get together and to handle the problem in human life as well creating values in product for making it best among all. It creates culture among people, gives moral support, give personality so that the person could be a part of society and actively participate in social welfare as well in the development of the society.

You must be heard about that today's all companies are spending their lot of time and money in personnel training. People are trained according to company's requirement. The first lesson, they learn a good team Management and how to create a healthy environment in  inside  and in the company and outside in the society.
                                      Many of companies having same product but only few of them are rated high, only few of them having Brand Image, only few of them are preferred by us. why??..
                                                 Did we ever think about.?..
                                      Because of their good Team Management which provides better products, quality, servicing ability make a smile on the face of customers. 
 Many of us do work because of the pressure to do the job or want to make money. Many of Indian people have this mentality that we are just doing our work. I don't care about what my company is doing. This is the most crucial point called conflict point which may be the cause of Business failure .

  Management definition says- "There should not be any delimitation among people while exchanging information, ideas, thoughts. Only one motto should be there is that we work together and work for our own organization and we have to do our best."
                                       " We create then destroy,
                                         Again we recreate,
                                         In new form, makes a real difference."

This is one side of coin other is all the members of the team should be align in one direction, decided by the team leader. Diversification may be the cause of conflict and may diversify the main purpose of the team, organization. Many organization still suffer from that. The best solution is all members should have a good tuning with one another as well with the team leader. They should be followers.

A good example is before you. If we go back in our history and observe the system carefully. We will find that there is one ruler rules over the entire kingdom and all courtiers follow him. They do not only follow him but also give their fine support to him to take the decision. But last decision is always undertaken by the ruler. Each one is qualified enough in his field and do not interfere in one another. The work is distributed according to their ability and  report has to submitted to main ruler with in time limit. After that, there has been  discussion  on the overall report if there was any change suggested by any person justified by the ruler then occurred in the report. That is the best way of dividing the problem and approaching towards the goal step by step. But definitely no one is restricted to share ideas, information according to need is required. Then only we will be able to meet the success. But today it's difficult to meet reality is shown above. Each one has his own wisdom, willingness to empower the system. In this stage only one thing comes which binds people together, enforce them to work together, to live together is known as Nature(discipline).

Nature makes it compulsory to live under the circle of discipline. Disobeying the rules always create unhealthy environment for us and we all are suffering what the scene is before us  "Global warming". This is apart from our topic but is the good example. So, whether talk about the discipline in life and discipline in our work we should be very honest towards both of them. May be this reading inspire you towards your duties. Then only actual motto of this reading will be figure out. Not just learn the rule of life and rule of Management but include them in your habit, in your life's routine. Then only a good team will be created and will lead toward the success and will be able to clear all milestones and will move ahead.

                                                        Something is better than nothing......

Here I would like to mention that a good team doesn't mean a group of well qualified and trained people. A person who is ready to follow and ready to learn adventures must be a part of the team can be trained according to requirements. Basic demand is to be spirit full.

Discipline Theory:- "Discipline is a kind of force which teamed up two or more than two living and nonliving things together to make a complete process cycle."

Process Cycle

This can be done after formation of team made by force (discipline) indirectly....

best example is

Have a look at this outstanding team. Discipline forced them ( two opposite nature) to work together to get this cake.... so why can we not??....and I hope all of you will figure out given query....

For any doubt you can write your comments...and don't forget to write your answer too..

Stay tuned.... Management Under Atom will be back soon with new concept....

Friday, August 6, 2010

Marketing Management

                                                      kerlo duniya mutthi me.....

Hello my dear friends...
                                    Once again all of you are most welcomed in the world of  "Management Under Atom". Today's Topic is "Marketing Management". I am sure that this also would be appreciated by all of you. Before starting the conversation I would like to share some thing. Yesterday I was reading a article " Marketing vs. Finance" based on a debate that which one is most Important to run a company successfully. One had stated -"
That Marketing is most important tool than finance because today it is more important to attract costumers towards the company's product and to make a long term relationship with customers". Another was saying -"That Finance is most important tool for a company. Without a good financial management company cannot even move a head." After reading this article I think a lot and finally I got the answer is that both are equally responsible to move company ahead. If one is Heart(Market) than another is Brain(Finance). Like in the atom if one is nucleus(finance) than other one is electron(market). If any one of them would not present in the atom(company). Atom(company) cannot be in existence.
                                      Well this is all about the discussion away from our today's topic but I found it important to clear the doubt. isn't it....
                                         Let us switch over the Marketing Management. At the very beginning let us see what is marketing? In very simple words marketing is "Meeting needs profitably." Now the other question arises what is the need of Marketing or Marketing management? if we look 60 years back seldom we found marketing management. So, what is going to change in today's world.
  1. Customer's perception towards products and company.
  2. Giant market of same kind product.
  3. A huge competition among competitors.
  4. A greater Variety of product for a single user.
  5. Large supply vs. less demand.
  6. A greater Variety of offers in same product.
  7. Customer taste.
  8. The New Economy.
  9. A substantial Increase in buying power.
  10. A greater use of Information Technology.
  11. A greater ease in interacting, representing their offers, and placing their orders.
  12. Customer ability to compare products, qualities, offers, and services.
 All these factors are responsible for Marketing Management. 

Marketing Task:- Marketing task is to provide best quality, goods, offering and services to customers within a certain amount of time period. In today's scenario is this if one is capable to provide quality product with excellent services, always live in the heart of customers. Apart from the product, Quality and Best services play important role to win the marketing task.
                          "Marketing task is to develop the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value."
                                                          As well atom can not live alone.
                                 "Atom task is to develop the art and science of choosing target homogeneous or heterogeneous atom and getting, keeping and growing atoms through creating new bonds, delivering it's own electron, and exchanging properties and values."

By delivering good quality product with extraordinary services, Soul purpose of company is to make a emotional bonds with its customers. That process creates Brand Image of product. Every company is looking for long term relationship with its customers. This is the way to keep in touch with them and this long term relationship philosophy helps company at the time of recession.

How Marketing can be done...??
                                  Advertising strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy, offering strategy, customer relationship, Total customer satisfaction, Building a  Revenue and  Profit Model, selling concepts, social networking concepts all are required for a good marketing  and for a good business process but the most important thing which has totally changed the marketing concept is fast Information Exchange, Communication among consumers, fast Internet access, Chatting rooms, Telecommunication,  telephonic services,  and many more. Business is booming after adopting these marketing concepts (Internet Marketing). As Industries are growing up cut throat competition is growing as well.

                                           Marketing beyond limits....

    Thursday, August 5, 2010


                     Besides reading a couple of paragraph let's talk about Management face to face.

    Hello my dear friends...
                                         I am going to introduce the topic which is very familiar to all of us a little bit about Management. If we talk about Management. What is it? Definitions says-
                                          "Management" (From old french menegement "the art of conducting, directing", from Latin manu agere "to lead by the hand") characterises the process of leading and directing all or part of an Organization, often a business, through the development and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual, or intangible).."
                                         After reading a couple of pages I didn't find my answer. I was thinking about is management is only require in the Organization or Company to achieve some predefine Goals? All definitions are correct from their point of view. But generalize view of Management according to me is-
                                         "Management is require to make a good tune with nature. It is a base bone to "Materialize the Life(process)". This the small definition of Management in broad sense.
                                          "Materialize the life(process) would be very fancy word for all of us. Let us have a look on what is mean of "materialize the life". Everything comes under the Materialization a small atom to a big Universe everything. Materialization means-
                                           " developing a maturity by which we can achieve our predefine tasks. Whether talk about the life or any business process or any organization. All have similar kind of goal related to stabilization in the existing battle. That only can be possible under the Materialization stage modernized by management."
    So far what we have discussed can see under the given structure of "atom". In the atom every thing is arranged in a well manner. Here the forces occur in atom, are the manager who manages all the structural arrangement. Like if compare the hierarchy of any company is also maintained under the atoms. Nucleus the "top management team" then inner most orbit to outer most orbit all are arrange in order as in the company "top management team then lower management system then sellers and distributors. While paying more attention we can observe that top management team consist of few members well qualified having the power to control over the whole system like nucleus single one, rule over the entire atom. Then electrons come, participate in other activities as in organization employees do all the activities distributed by top management.When all atoms get arrangement in a specific order than a matter comes into the picture as well when all branches of management work together then whole management system is created controlled by main chairman and CEO.
                                            This is all known as Materialization.When atoms get arrangement in a well manner called materialization of mater and when all management departments work together called materialization of process and when all parts of life- emotion, love, faith, hard work, patience, respect and many-2 more things
    work together in a grand manner known as materialization of life.

    Lets have a look on this pictorial presentation

    A single Management structure
    Materialization in an Organization 

    Materialization of Life
                      Materialization comes into the picture after Management, starting steps of any process.